The AD-Man Saga
Adman: The Marketing Hero We All Needed
Adman is a parody character inspired by Batman, conceived to fight the evils of bad advertising with wit, charm, and a touch of childlike enthusiasm. The brainchild of me and Nick Traulsen, founder of The Marketing Guy, Adman blends the quirky, endearing qualities of Michael Scott from The Office with the vigilante spirit of the Dark Knight. 

This series isn't just about entertainment; it's a bold statement that commercials can be both captivating and provocative.

Facts on the Adman project:

A marketing professional with a flair for the dramatic and a mission to rid the world of terrible ads.

Personality: Childish enthusiasm, similar to Michael Scott, mixed with a passion for good marketing.

Goal: To make advertising fun, engaging, and effective.

Execution and Engagement:
Series Concept: A web series featuring Adman tackling bad advertising scenarios, offering humorous yet insightful solutions.

Offline branding / Merchandise: Mugs, stands, and business cards featuring Adman, enhancing the character’s presence and brand identity.

Website: Adman featured prominently on The Marketing Guy's website and appearing at special events, creating buzz and engagement.

Collaborations: We even made a video with Shaping New Tomorrow, further extending Adman's reach and influence.

The project significantly boosted awareness for The Marketing Guy, making Adman a memorable mascot. New leads and clients cited Adman as their inspiration for seeking out better advertising solutions.

Community Engagement: The character’s unique blend of humor and marketing savvy resonated with audiences, demonstrating that even commercials can be innovative and entertaining.

Adman isn't just a character; he's a movement against mediocrity in marketing. By leveraging humor, creativity, and a clear passion for good advertising, Adman has proven that commercials can indeed be both interesting and provocative. This project showcases the power of a strong, memorable brand identity and the impact of thinking outside the box in the marketing world.