Lauren Merrick's profile

HSL & Gray Balance

Hue (H): Hue refers to the color type and is represented as a degree on the color wheel, ranging from 0 to 360. Each degree corresponds to a different color.

Saturation (S): Saturation describes the intensity or purity of the color. It is measured as a percentage from 0% to 100%.

Lightness (L): Lightness indicates the brightness of the color and is also measured as a percentage from 0% to 100%.

By manipulating these three aspects, designers can efficiently create visually appealing and functionally effective designs. The following images show this.

Tools Used:
HSL Adjustment Layer
Direct Selection Tool
Hue, Saturation, & Brightness
Gray Balance
Color Accuracy: Proper gray balance ensures that colors in a design or image are reproduced accurately, maintaining the integrity of the original artwork.

Consistency: It helps maintain consistency in color reproduction across different devices and media, which is crucial for brand identity and professional-quality outputs.

Image Quality: Correct gray balance contributes to the overall quality of images, avoiding unwanted color casts that can make an image look unnatural or distorted.

By maintaining proper gray balance, designers can ensure high-quality, accurate, and consistent color reproduction, which is essential for professional and effective graphic design. The following images show this.

Tools Used:
Info Panel
Curves Adjustment Layer
Eye Dropper
Shadows, Highlights, Midtones
HSL & Gray Balance

HSL & Gray Balance
