EN Version
What is Shipping Agency?
Shipping Agency provides ship agency services in the Brazilian ports of Paranaguá, Santos, and Santarém. The company's value lies in facilitating and organizing information with integrity, from the naming of the ship to its departure from the ports.

Problem Statement
Create a brand that reflects the values of a product that was created to restore operations in ports in an intelligent and scalable way.
EN Version
What are the values linked to the business?
Excellence in the service provided + Deliveries through waves + Results-oriented product
EN Version
Plastic & Aesthetic
Considering the values provided, we have started designing solutions to incorporate our brand and support elements. To achieve this, we aim to integrate the fluidity of sea waves, the sleekness of ships, and the precision of right angles.
EN Version
"The Next Big Wave"
A brand that originated as a guide for processes and methodologies within Brazilian ports, revolutionizing the world.
EN Version
Poseidon is a digital product developed by Cargill to provide shipping agency services, including cost estimation and document management, to maritime agencies in ports. As a brand, it has caused a significant shift in the conservative market.
EN Version
Branding Anatomy
The most powerful weapon of the king of the seas, according to Greek mythology, translates in a simple way what we do and how we sustain ourselves.​​​​​​​

EN Version
Branding and Marketing



Shipping Agency is a project with the aim of improving the work routine in Brazilian ports, in order to create processes and work standards resul Read More
