Praji Guruprasad's profile

Unleashing the Rebellious Angels

AI - Artistic Intelligence
Unleashing the Rebellious Angels

A mid-journey AI adventure. We frequently find ourselves at conflict with the conventional when it comes to creation, when imagination reigns dominant. This is where our rebellious angels take its mission. These are not your typical unicorns, but rather mavericks who defy expectations and dare to dream beyond the conventional. They are the sparks of inspiration that start the creative fire, the murmurs of invention that echo in the silence of the usual. 

Every image in this collection is a record of their revolt, a moment in time captured as they ventured into new artistic territory.  These images, generated with Midjourney Ai's capabilities prompted by strongly imaginative obstacles, are more than just pixels on a screen - they're an expression of our rebellious angels, marking their path through the vast expanse of the creative cosmos.
Unleashing the Rebellious Angels


Unleashing the Rebellious Angels
