"Feeling suspended, hooked to the invisible threads of life's adversities. Feeling powerless and overwhelmed by the weight of one's own suffering, perceiving oneself incapable of reacting and remedying one's problems. Imagining oneself suspended in emptiness, the same void anchored deep within one's soul."
The weight of the problems we carry within can take on multiple forms: that of a monster, a ghost, a demon, or the imaginary threat we convince ourselves is haunting us. It can be the imaginary friend we construct as a reason for resilience to find the strength to move forward in a life of failures, emptiness, and despair, stumbling over invisible pitfalls—the many pitfalls life presents us with. Life is the greatest force that exists; it breaks the banks of security and bursts into our normalcy with force, stunning us at first and then instilling joy and pain in hearts numbed by the idleness offered by monotony. Monotony is perceived as a pleasant state of satisfaction for many, while for others, it can turn into a condition of chronic dissatisfaction and a sense of emptiness and loss, where one feels that something is missing without being able to describe the shape of the missing thing. This condition worsens as other problems accumulate, overwhelming the person's tolerance limit, inexorably beginning to accumulate negative energy within their mind, which from relentless rumination can take on the weight of an enormous grindstone, whose endurance becomes impossible. One begins to feel at the mercy of events, sensing that control over one's life has been lost and that everything one was attached to, and whose vision comforted us every day, takes on a vacuous and gray color, unable to awaken our mood. It is precisely at that moment, as happens to the subject in the artwork, that we abandon ourselves to a prolonged and intense cry of despair, whose dual objective is both to release all that accumulated anger and to attract the attention of others, with the intention that they come to our aid. A scream that seems like an explosion, desperately trying to sever those ropes, break those chains we feel entangled in, sometimes, unfortunately, without success.

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