What forms does all the information we receive from the media take in our minds?
How do we manage to assemble so much different input together?
How do we integrate our personal concerns with concern for the rest of humanity?

There is a report on the victims of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict followed by an advertisement on holidays in the Maldives; an activist publishes some content on the environmental disaster next to which there is an app for online shopping at rock-bottom prices; there is a documentary on the great history of the Mediterranean while the news of yet another shipwreck scrolls below on the title bar. 
These are just a few examples. 

This bestiary collects a series of creatures spawn by man's relationship with the media.
Just as medieval fantastic creatures reassemble parts of different animals into a single body, so the creatures of the media bestiary are made up of different and contradictory messages captured by news broadcasts, apps, zapping, advertising and social media in the space of a few minutes.
Work in progress
Media Bestiary