This portfolio is about repackaging a product. I chose to redesign a Tapioca Pudding box from Kraft Foods. I wanted to create a more updated and fresh look to the product that makes it more appealing for a customer to buy.
For the over all feel of the box I wanted it to appeal to more than just the older generation who is use to buying this product. I kept the design simple and used fruit because people like fruit. I also wanted to show other products you can enjoy with Tapioca, this makes the product more useful. The colors that I went with give off a more cozy feeling and welcomes you to take the box!
Is made to look like a reciepe on a piece of paper and I also incuded a picture of the product and what else you can use it for. I used some of the same colors from the front and had them repeated in the back to keep the flow.
My design for the Tapioca pudding.
This is the original Tapioca box design.
These are some of the sketches I did to brainstorm ideas.
Thanks for checking out my portfolio!!!


Redesigning a product package design


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