Floriane Grivillers a.k.a Foya's profile

Visual Identity process: "La Pelote Vagabonde"

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"La Pelote Vagabonde" is a new french wool shop, selling quality balls of yarn, teinted by hand, and various and original accessories for knitting. Looking for a natural and whimsical visual identity, the owner of the shop contacted me for something similar to my personnal watercolor illustrations. I created a new logo , a web banner, and adapted them on various supports.
This project was a bit different of what I usually do, and I had the possibility to experiment and explore different ways of working. So I was really glad to work on this project!
You can check out the final result on the online shop here.
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Following a first brief and a market study provided by the client, the first step was to present few tracks. We choose together which one was the most representative of the brand.
I did some rough sketches to present my ideas, then some quick digital tests. Finally, it turned into a kind of blazon: the ball of yarn and the rose wind hidden inside a ethnic and textil pattern.
Once we decided the final logo, I vectorized it to ease the use on various supports, and propose several colored versions. The font added to the logo is the Typo Libel Suit , free for commercial use.
For the banner, I did something more illustrative and more textured, to bring a warm feeling to the website. I created my own visual elements and textures with inks and watercolors, that I scanned and integrated in my digital work.
Then I added some details, worked on the balance of colors and on a more aerial composition of the picture: the illustration can't take a more important place than the products sold on the online shop.  
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As I'm not Web Designer, this part was directed by someone else. I focused on the visual identity and we worked together for the adaptation of the banner to the responsive design on various devices.
You'll find below few examples of adaptation on various printed supports: Business cards, commercial postcards, stickers for packaging, labels...
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As bonus, a small video I did to show the process of the illustration on Instagram
Thanks for stopping by ! Feel free to let your feedback if you like it !
Visual Identity process: "La Pelote Vagabonde"


Visual Identity process: "La Pelote Vagabonde"

"La Pelote Vagabonde" is a new ethical french whool company, importing quality balls of yarn from everywhere in the world, to redistribute them t Read More
