Creatures and Planning
This is me fleshing out my concept with some digital painting. Prior to this a did some basic sketches.
The first part of this project that I tackled was what I was most excited about, my creatures, which I call Lingos. I made a basic rig for them so that I could pose them later.
Pirate Infestation
In this version of my enviroment pirates have taken over. I designed airships that would look upright as blimps and upsidedown as sailboats.
Peaceful Again
The town without pirates. It has the same pallete of colors it was originally planned to have. The hatchery, however, was added after realizing that the town needed a centerpiece.
Enviroment Design

Enviroment Design

This project was created as a way for me to practice creating environments. Also, I love creating creatures and the ones in this project has exis Read More
