Sleeveface Project
Projeto desenvolvido na disciplina de Fotografia II, Desenho Industrial (Bacharelado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Maria
Briefing: Criar uma ensaio pessoal com temática concisa.
Tema escolhido: Sleeveface (fotografias que complementam capas de discos de vinil).

Project developed in the discipline of Photography II , Industrial Design (Bachelor) - Federal University of Santa Maria
Create a personal essay with concise theme.
Chosen theme : Sleeveface (photographs that complement covers of vinyl records).

Sleeveface Vinyl!
Camera: Fuji S4000
Ivi Pivetta Viero
Sleeveface Project

Sleeveface Project

Project developed in the discipline of Photography II , Industrial Design (Bachelor) - Federal University of Santa Maria Briefing: Create a perso Read More
