As a response to the ISTD paper messengers brief, Letters for Literacy is a Postage Stamp Campaign that aims to encourage South Africans to give back to their country by promoting literacy and becoming actively involved in outreach activities that may help educate and uplift various communities in need. The campaign functions as a platform for change, encouraging educated people to promote quality literacy and education for communities in need. The QR code presented on each of the twenty six A-Z stamps allows one to directly access a website that provides an opportunity for anyone to get involved in improving literacy and education in South Africa. Citizens may simply donate money, books or school equipment to schools in need or they may volunteer in outreach activities that may include teaching and literacy programs, renovating schools and public libraries.  
Stamp sheet
Strategy and concept work brochure
Publication/ experience 
On the home page of the website, viewers may select a digital stamp of their choice and post it onto a social network site in order to spread and promote the literacy campaign. As the viewer scrolls through the stamps from A to Z, the colour of the website changes according to the colour of the stamp.
Project packaging 
First day cover
First day cover insert and rubber stamp 


As a response to the ISTD paper messengers brief, Letters for Literacy is a Postage Stamp Campaign that aims to encourage South Africans to give Read More
