A boy tries to seek out his lost friend. The last conversation they had was about the old haunted mansion in their home town. The boy’s friend planned to visit the mansion to see if the rumors of people going missing were true. Afterwards she was never seen again.
A few months later, the boy went to the old mansion. There a large, dark creature waited for him. The creature explained to the boy that it feasts on whoever enters the mansion. The boy asked the creature if it took his friend. With no hesitation, the creature confirmed. The boy, full of rage, demanded the creature to release her, but it refused. Eventually the boy and the creature agreed to duel for the fate of the boy’s friend. 
While dueling, the boy rips the creature’s robe, revealing the corpses of all the children that it consumed in the past. The creature quickly knocks out the boy and imprisons him in the upstair cells. 
While waiting for the second round of the duel, several spirits enter the boy’s cell. One of the spirits was the boy’s missing friend. Not much was said, but the boy and the spirits had a similar idea to defeat the dark creature. Before being released out of his cell to fight again, all the spirits merged into the boy’s body. While fighting the creature again, the boy delivers a strong punch into the creature’s torso. Soon all the spirits reconnected with their corpses within the creature and began to devour the creature’s body inside and out. The boy, horrified from the scene, quickly fled the mansion. After he calmed down, he looked back at the mansion’s entrance and saw the spirit of his friend, waving him goodbye. The boy, sad but relieved, leaves the mansion’s property.  
My submission for the Game Grumps Community Celebration art book. On July 7, 2015 the Game Grumps broadcasted a charity stream to raise money for Healing Horse Therapy. During the stream they sold physical copies of the art book, t-shirts, and other gifts to their audience. With the help of the art book, the Game Grumps managed to raise $80,000. 
You can view a digital version of the GGCC art book here.
On a personal note, I normally don't post fan art on Behance, yet because this was made for a good cause, I had to make room for it in my portfolio. I'm very glad I did it. 
I had an assignment in my painting class to paint a dream or paint something you would like to have a dream about. So I decided to paint a dream I had a few months ago. I don’t remember the contexts of the dream, but I remember two kids (which I’ve illustrated them before) picking illuminating flowers by a lake. It was both day and night, and I distinctly remember the sky looking like Makoto Shinkai’s skys. I probably didn’t pull it off to well, but I’d tried my best.
I may have created a story for this painting. After school, a little girl does her usual routine of packing up before leaving school. Suddenly a little boy, who doesn’t go to her school, asks her to follow him. He takes her to a small shack and tells her “that’s your place”. She opens the door, leading to the other side of the shack, and finds herself in a magical world.
The boy takes her further into the strange world and leads her to a cliff, revealing nothing else beyond it. The boy looks at the girl and waits for a response. At first she was confused, until she had a vision of her about to be hit by a car. Scared and disoriented, she looks back at the boy, who suddenly turns into a full grown man. He kneels to her and genially holds her hands. Without saying anything, he puts a pacifier in the palm of her hand. He smiles at her and begins to walk away. The girl starts to feel an uncomfortable sensation in the pit of her stomach and tries to get the man to come back. Then she sees a car’s headlights in the distance. The man stands in front of it, ready to get hit. The girl starts running towards him, screaming at the top of her lungs to get him to move. Then she trips on a rock, falling to the ground. She hears the impact of the man and the car, yet when she looked up there was nothing in sight. She turns around and finds that the cliff the boy revealed to her before had disappeared. Now there’s more land to be explored, yet from that moment on, she couldn’t help but feel a great deal of sadness. 
Character designs for the painting above. Dreams make up for lack of creativity I guess. So yes I had a beautiful dream with these two characters. Too bad I forgot what they were doing. But I’ll probably come up with a story for them. If not, I’ll just throw them in other stories I’m working on.
After school, a little girl does her usual routine of packing up before leaving school. Suddenly a little boy, who doesn’t go to her school, asks her to follow him. He takes her to a small shack and tells her “that’s your place”. She opens the door, leading to the other side of the shack, and finds herself in a magical world.
The boy takes her further into the strange world and leads her to a cliff, revealing nothing else beyond it. The boy looks at the girl and waits for a response. At first she was confused, until she had a vision of her about to be hit by a car. Scared and disoriented, she looks back at the boy, who suddenly turns into a full grown man. He kneels to her and genially holds her hands. Without saying anything, he puts a pacifier in the palm of her hand. He smiles at her and begins to walk away. The girl starts to feel an uncomfortable sensation in the pit of her stomach and tries to get the man to come back. Then she sees a car’s headlights in the distance. The man stands in front of it, ready to get hit. The girl starts running towards him, screaming at the top of her lungs to get him to move. Then she trips on a rock, falling to the ground. She hears the impact of the man and the car, yet when she looked up there was nothing in sight. She turns around and finds that the cliff the boy revealed to her before had disappeared. Now there’s more land to be explored, yet from that moment on, she couldn’t help but feel a great deal of sadness. 

This story takes place 80 years later after the Demon Pirates. The main character is Noah Lewiski, a middle aged writer suffering from writer’s block. His dying grandmother requests to have her ashes poured in the Penta fields where Merlin The Great Wizard once lived. She kept reminding Noah of her reoccurring dream where a god-like creature threatens to destroy the Planet Earth, yet its decision interrupted when a little boy cut off his pinky and to give to the creature as a replacement of its own missing finger. Noah’s grandmother claimed that the little boy was him. Most of the time Noah just blew it off as just a silly dream.

At the same time there’s an apocalyptic phenomenon going on throughout the planet. Several earthquakes and volcanic eruptions kept occurring, and Sorcerers were developing a plague which effects their body and mind. When using magic spreads the infection more rapidly.
This picture is a scene from Noah’s grandmother’s reoccurring dream. The god-like creature once gifted a man with the ability to control their environment with its own blood. Though over time, the creature became furious at humans for taking advantage of its own power for selfish reasons. The creature began to crush the Earth, spilling the blood of humanity at its feet. Then the creature was interrupted by a small boy offering his pinky to replace the creature’s missing finger. Then the dream would end, leaving the creature’s decision unresolved. 
This story takes place 80 years later after the Demon Pirates. The main character is Noah Lewiski, a middle aged writer suffering from writer’s block. His dying grandmother requests to have her ashes poured in the Penta fields where Merlin The Great Wizard once lived. She kept reminding Noah of her reoccurring dream where a god-like creature threatens to destroy the Planet Earth, yet its decision interrupted when a little boy cut off his pinky and to give to the creature as a replacement of its own missing finger. Noah’s grandmother claimed that the little boy was him. Most of the time Noah just blew it off as just a silly dream.

At the same time there’s an apocalyptic phenomenon going on throughout the planet. Several earthquakes and volcanic eruptions kept occurring, and Sorcerers were developing a plague which effects their body and mind. When using magic spreads the infection more rapidly.
This picture is a scene from Noah’s grandmother’s reoccurring dream. The god-like creature once gifted a man with the ability to control their environment with its own blood. Though over time, the creature became furious at humans for taking advantage of its own power for selfish reasons. The creature began to crush the Earth, spilling the blood of humanity at its feet. Then the creature was interrupted by a small boy offering his pinky to replace the creature’s missing finger. Then the dream would end, leaving the creature’s decision unresolved. 
In this scene Noah arrives in the fields of Penta. Realizing his fate, he sacrifices his pinky, like his grandmother told him. A goddess, who was the first to own magic, rose from the ground. She had been furious of man taking advantage of her own power for their own selfish reasons. At the moment she’s drawn between destroying the planet or leaving it be. The fate of man rests in the hands of Noah. Noah, peering at the goddess, realizes that his pinky wasn’t enough and cuts his throat open, offering more blood to the goddess. Noah passes out and the next thing that he knew was waking up in the Penta fields. Everything seemed to be fine. Then he looked at his right hand and discovered that his pentagram symbol was gone. Magic itself and the history of it was removed from the planet. Only Noah knew the history of magic. There he discovered that his duty was to write it all down.    
There was once an ancient civilization kept beneath a deep ocean. The only way for the people to survive was to use the blue-eyed people: people who are able to control the water. However, the downfall of their destiny was the cost of their freedom. The blue-eyed people will have to keep the barrier up for the rest of their lives. One of the blue-eyed people became weak due to his age and had to be replaced. A young girl was chosen for the job, yet this worried her parents. All throughout her life she was taught that keeping the barrier up was a noble and honorable deed to the city, but her parents knew it would have to cost her freedom. Finally her time had come to put up the barrier. She was thrilled at first, but over time she began to lose herself in order to keep the barrier up. All of her attention had to be towards the water or it would collapse. Months went by and her parents would talk to her and deliver gifts, but she could not respond. Her father began to have trouble sleeping, worried for his daughter’s sanity. Eventually he told her every day that she didn’t have to hold the barrier, she can be free if she wanted to. The other blue-eyes heard his plea and started to second thoughts. One day the guards caught him and throw him in prison for treason. The blue-eyes witness this and stopped controlling the water. The city began to drowned. the girl, relieved to stop, was the last to put down the barrier.
I imagine the seasons as children doing their job. Fall paints the leaves, Winter sculpts the snowflakes (with the help of rain), Spring crafts the flowers, and Summer brings the heat! I know rain isn’t a season, but she plays a big role within help them.

Fall returns to paint the trees with her colors. Rain is excited to see her friend again and tries to get fall to play with her, though Fall tries to remind her that she has to do her job. Weeks go by and Rain becomes more and more impatient. Then Rain comes up with an idea to paint all the trees quickly. She grabs all of Fall's paint buckets and pours them into her clouds. Soon it rains paint and all the leaves turn into bright autumn colors.
I haven’t drawn Mr. Star in a while. A little changes on his design. I made his body more exaggerated. I thought it was more appealing. And before he used to have black hair. Now I made it a dark blue to match the night sky. 
Story: Mr. Star, the brightest star in the sky, comes down from the heavens to grant unfortunate children wishes. Although it comes with a price-the children have to face their worst fears. If the children don’t succeed, they’ll remain in their terrifying nightmare for the rest of their lives with no reward. If they do succeed, they get their wish granted. 
Here are some of the character designs for my Heart's Desire story.
Mr. Star, the brightest star in the sky, comes down from the heavens to grant unfortunate children wishes. Although it comes with a price-the children have to face their worst fears. If the children don’t succeed, they’ll remain in their terrifying nightmare for the rest of their lives with no reward. If they do succeed, they get their wish granted. 
Other Works

Other Works

Several other personal work. Mostly short stories and works in progress.
