I along with 3 classmates of mine created a game in Flash as a part of the coursework for the subject " Game API and Programming". The objective of the game is to kill the dragon and create as high a score as possible

Game Design:
The objective and the thought processs was to keep the design of the game as intercative and egaging as possible. We designed keep the fact that we need to engross the user in the game.
The theme of the game being killing dragons, the background image was chosen to give that feel. 
To add humor the protagonist is Homer in a Kratos Avatar.
The play of the game was to keep the user entertained and engaged. 
The objective of the game being killing dragons and making as high a score as possible.
There is life of the Protagonist and Dragon displayed. Initially there will be bats firing weapons. As we move ahead the dragon appears. After we kill the dragon, the difficulty increases and two dragon appear and so on.
Multimedia Content:
Interactive sounds and audio have been added to create an overall experience of the game. To make the user as involved as possible and to create a feel of the game and its theme, the sounds and audio is chosen in such a manner that it is consistent with the theme.
To add to the Dungeon theme the background sound is "Far over the misty mountains cold". 
The sounds when the fireballs are fired or when Homer gets hit are chosen very carefully to add to the experience.

Usability Testing:
We gave the game to 20 classmates for ours for them to try. We made observations while they were playing the game. Also subsequently we asked questions to them regarding their experience playing the game and also if they had any suggestions they had to make.
The most common suggestions that came up were:
The difficulty level of the game was very high
The speed of the game was very high
Homer could only move up and down and not in all directions.


Improvements Made:
We considered the suggestions and observations made during the usability testing.
The changes and improvements that were made were:
The time, that is every 10 second that a bat fires was increased to 15. Thereby decreasing the difficulty level. At the same time not making it too simple.
Homer can now move in all directions, making it more dynamic and giving the player more scope.
Additionally, the visual design was improved. Also a social media aspect was added where users can compare and share their scores with friends.
Kill the Dragon

Kill the Dragon

Game development using Flash Scripting
