Nancy Gonzalez's profile

Henny Youngman's Big Book of Insults

Henny Youngman's Big Book of Insults

This book has got to be one of my favorite books I've ever worked on. When I received the project I sat down with the editor, David Borgenicht,  and brainstormed about what direction to go in, should we hire an illustrator... and then we thought..."Do you think Henny would want to be photographed?" Well he did and so we packed up our things and took the train to NYC  and met him at a photography studio. He was amazing! He sat on a chair and just started telling one-liners, he played his violin, it was an wonderful experience. He must of really liked the book, because he would call me in the months to follow... "Nancy, it's Henny... send me more copies!"
Henny Youngman's Big Book of Insults

Henny Youngman's Big Book of Insults

Cover and interior design.
