Marek Hosek's profile

Small Packages. Huge Impact.

Disciplines: Illustration, Packaging, Branding, Print Collateral

Sagent Pharmaceuticals hired us to cre­ate their prod­uct pack­ag­ing. Sagent is ded­i­cated to cre­at­ing label­ing that stands out and clearly iden­ti­fies the drug name and strength with the inten­tion of pre­vent­ing med­ical errors. We have designed over 100 different products which all stand apart from each other. 

You can see most of them here!
Small Packages. Huge Impact.


Small Packages. Huge Impact.

Sagent Pharmaceuticals hired us to cre­ate their prod­uct pack­ag­ing. Sagent is ded­i­cated to cre­at­ing label­ing that stands out and clearly Read More
