Super perverted, nosey and without shame. Hamilton is a womanizer of the Hyuga Clan who uses his Byakugan to do things that I'm sure most young boys in real life would do if the Byakugan was a real thing!
I thought it would be cool to have characters that completely reverse the original essence and theme of the clan they come from.
Choha is one of the most popular and attractive girls in Konoha Academy... when she isn't pissed off that is. 
Her slim build is only thanks to a Genjutsu that she constantly casts around her. Being from the Akimichi family, shes naturally a very large young lady
but is extremely insecure about her weight as she is much bigger than the average member of the clan. 

Choha actually has a good talent for Genjutsu, which is made apparent by the fact that she can keep up her illusion on a daily basis without issue. It's only when she's upset or angry that her focus drops and her real form is exposed.
Being born with Kikaichu bugs roaming around freely inside the body of an Aburame, is something all members of the clan are put through. Those bugs become a key part of that Ninja's life, giving their Chakra as food and in return, they have a living swarm to assist them in their daily ninja activities. Except for Bugsy, being scared to death of the insects that are housed inside him, has put him in a permanent state of phobia. On top of that, he has no confidence when it comes to using the bugs as weapons or Ninjutsu as the moment they come out of his skin, he's hiding behind a tree.

The Aburame landed himself in the Delinquent Class, not because he's a troublesome kid but because his fear and lack of control over his pests causes a lot of irritation and disturbance to anyone who is unlucky enough to catch him when his phobia manifests at its highest peak. Just imagine a cloud of hungry bugs flying around, not returning to their user because he has no idea how to get them back inside... nor does he want to because "ewww bugs!"

Bugsy is actually not his real name and is instead a nickname given to him by his classmates to make fun of his fear. I intend for there to be a running joke in the series where Bugsy never gets to tell people what his real name is before he's interrupted by something or someone. Overall, he's a pretty wimpy character with a lot of potential to bloom if he can conquer his phobia.
Bokuto (meaning Wooden Sword in Japanese) is absolutely anti-shinobi. He thinks they are cowards as their historic nature includes hiding in the shadows and back stabbing. He thinks that they're totally uncool and have weird policies. He hates the weapons they use, the clothes they wear and even their culture. Bokuto dislikes Ninjas to the point where he refuses to mold his Chakra in any way that resembles the way a Ninja would do it. Therefore, shinobi type maneuvers such as hand signs or walking on water he will take no part in even if his life is at risk. His attitude is very elitist and he always finds ways to insult Ninjas and praise Samurais. You can imagine how problematic that would become especially in a class where the teachers are trying to promote teamwork and respect for your peers.
Originally, Bokuto was going to be a member of the Senju clan who, like Rock Lee, had some kind of disability that made it so that he's unable to mold chakra and the fact that he's a Senju who cant use Ninjutsu would make him a very angry boy. But I thought that the idea wasn't as original and has been done before.
Miho is a blind young girl of the Yamanaka Clan. She is very timid, reserved and walks around very slowly with a droopy arms and a sloppy posture. Miho has been blind from birth but that has not stopped her from helping her parents run the flower shop. She uses her great sense of smell and patience to pick out the best flowers which has allowed the shop to thrive over many of the other flower stores in Konoha. However, Miho's parents are not the most caring and see her condition as a nuisance despite how much she helps. This treatment, along with her lack of vision, causes Miho to endure strong states of loneliness.

Eventually, months and months of her usual routine of going to pick flowers, Miho begins to spend time practicing her the Yamanaka Clans signature technique, the Shintenshin no Jutsu and quickly becomes a master at it. Her grasp over the host abnormally strong but whats more scary is the personality that takes over when someone is under the Jutsu. Miho transforms from a reserved, quiet girl to a crazy, hyped up Dennis the Menace who is able to see through their eyes finally, escaping from the day to day darkness she's dealt with since she was born. This phenomenon earns her the nicknames "Shintenshin no Miho, Mahou no Miho or simply "Yurei", which means "Ghost". Eventually, her taking control over random Konoha citizens for fun lands her in the Delinquent Class along with the other problematic children. 
Yachi (the chinese word for "Tooth") is an Inuzuka who is literally a Dog. When Yachi became of age, his family introduced him to many dogs for him to choose as his lifelong companion. But it turned out that Yachi didn't like any of them. In fact, Yachi doesn't like dogs at all. He was more concerned about training himself and becoming a better Ninja than having to worry about an animal. 

Unhappy with his mind set, his family felt that maybe if they took him outside Konoha to look for the more exotic Dogs, that he'd change his mind and see that having a Ninken partner can be awesome. When they got to the forest, the family was ambushed by a pack of powerful wild dogs. Yachi was separated from his family in the attack and ended up face to face with the leader of the pack, a massive legendary Ninken. Yachi tries to fight the dog but by the time his family got to him, he had been cursed by the Dogs Ninjutsu and permanently transformed into a dog.

Yachi is a very determined and somewhat disciplined Ninja with a lot of potential. But ironically, the feeling of being held back by having to look after a pet is what got him turned into one and now, he is more restricted than ever. He get's very angry and violently bites people when they call him a dog, or when people try to stroke him, call him cute names and give him dog food. This attitude and dangerous nature of his is what lands him a place in the Delinquent Class. Despite all this, Yachi desperately tries hard to be a competent Ninja in spite of the fact that he can barely perform hand seals. 
Yet again, in the spirit of trying to do something different with the clans of Konoha, Uzumaki Rose is a super laid back, non-caring, lazy girl who would much rather smoke a cigarette by the river rather than practice Ninjutsu. Despite looking a bit older than her class mates, Rose is the same age as her peers that just happens to be a bit more developed and more shapely which often gets her attention from Hamilton and his perverted Byakugan. 

Not much is known about Rose's background and whether or not arm tattoos came about as a form of rebellion or if she's really into artwork. To be honest, I'm not too sure at the moment exactly what I want her background to be. I like the mystique but chilled persona she carries right now. But what I do know is that as an Uzumaki, she has a naturally vast amount of Chakra that she doesn't tap into out of pure laziness and she doesn't have the energetic charisma that the Uzumaki's are known for. I've got many ideas for chapters where she excels at a certain ninjutsu class whilst the others don't, causing a lot of jealousy. And i'm also entertaining the idea of Choha not liking her one bit because of her natural beauty that Choha thinks she ruins with all the piercings, tattoos and half shaved head. 
Tezuka is of the Nara Clan except his immediate family were a slight off shoot from the main clan. Tezuka's parents and siblings were a secretly running and illegal guild under Konoha for a very long time. People, Villages and Towns who could not afford to pay the fees for certain types of missions would come to Tezukas family to get them done for a much lower price and with much greater efficiency, especially when the mission involved killing people. His parents believed that the Nara Clan's natural techniques were a sign that they should be looked to when it comes to covert ops and as such, felt that their clan should have a default seat within ANBU. 

Eventually, after years and years of illegal activity and not listening to the warnings of the Hokage at the time, The Uchiha Police Force was sent in to deal with them. In the end, Tezuka's parents and siblings were all either killed or thrown in prison, leaving him on his own as he was still a child when the crack down occured. As he grew up, his ideals mirrored that of his family as he refused to associate himself with the rest of the Nara Clan to instead hone his skills as a silent killer. 
Konoha Delinquents

Konoha Delinquents

Konoha Delinquents is an Original Comic set in the Naruto Universe. It follows the lives of 10 Konoha Academy students who all have social proble Read More
