Diana Carter's profile

Sketches & Process

Understanding Human Form. Charcoal on Newsprint.
30 Second Blind Contours. Ballpoint Pen on Sketchbook Paper.
Forms within Human Body. Roughly 3 Minuted. Charcoal on Newsprint
30 Second Poses. Charcoal on Newsprint
2 Minute Poses. Charcoal on Newsprint
Quick Blind Contour. Pen on Sketchbook Paper.
Study of Drapery on Human Form. Roughly 3-5 Minutes Each. Charcoal on Newsprint
1 Minute Poses. Pen on Paper
Continued Study of Key Drapery on Human Form. 1 Minute Poses. Pencil on Paper
Quick Studies of Fully Clothed Figure. Pen on Paper
Spontaneous Sketching on the Field. Calligraphy Pen and Marker on Sketchbook Paper.
Primarily Blind Contour. Calligraphy Pen on Sketchbook Paper.
Blind Contour with color added. Pen and Marker on Sketchbook Paper. 
(Above two images) Thumbnails exploring compositions, content and the suggestion of lighting. 
Selection of prior thumbnails developed further through use of digital perspective grids.
Sketches & Process

Sketches & Process

This project includes some of my sketch work. Primarily life drawing, these are done quite quickly and may be specifically: blind, contour, gestu Read More


Creative Fields