Adam Morris's profile

2013 - London @ Night

My night photography started with an evening class over the Millenium Bridge at St Pauls in 2012, which effectively opened my doors to understanding long exposure.
On of my favorite walks was a long the Thames river - on a clear night, it made for brilliant sunsets.
The view from the London Eye was overpriced, but always best to ride at night and see the colors & lights throughout the city.
I always felt like a tourist taking photos of Big Ben and the London Eye, because that's what tourist's did.  Night shots were different however, because you would sit for some time taking exposures of 30 seconds or longer.  It was like you had permission just to sit and watch the people wander by.
It always surprised me how active London was in the middle of the night.  Even at 3:30 am on a Thursday night, people would be standing in lines waiting to get into night clubs.
For a period I worked and volunteered on Carnaby Street.  As much as I loved the place, I remember it mostly walking with my head down to avoid the over-eager charity collectors.  If one of them caught me, I'd tell them I was visiting from America, and they'd wish me well on my way.
I lived a 7 minute walk away from Oxford Circus, just off Great Portland Street.  Oxford Street was always bustling, and it was often quicker to walk than take the bus.  The great thing was that in 10 seconds, you'd pass 10 pairs of people speaking 10 different languages.  This is my favorite photo of London.
2013 - London @ Night

2013 - London @ Night

Here is a collection of night shots from through London, UK. I lived in London for 9 years, and developed a passion for street photography wander Read More
