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Apples changed the world Calendar

Genesis 2:17
9 And out of the ground the Lord God made to spring up every tree that is pleasant to the sight and good for food. The tree of life was in the midst of the garden, and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. 10 A river flowed out of Eden to water the garden, and there it divided and became four rivers. 11 The name of the first is the Pishon. It is the one that flowed around the whole land of Havilah, where there is gold. 12 And the gold of that land is good; bdellium and onyx stone are there 13 The name of the second river is the Gihon. It is the one that flowed around the whole land of Cush. 14 And the name of the third river is the Tigris, which flows east of Assyria. And the fourth river is the Euphrates. 15 The Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to work it and keep it. 16 And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, 
Trlbab war
On Mt. Olympus, where the Greek gods lived, all the gods had been invit-ed to the wedding with the exception of Eris, or, discord. Getting very angry that she had been excluded, the goddess threw a golden apple among the guests, with the words- ìFor the fairestî- written on it. On seeing the apple, three goddesses ran after it and each claimed it. They were Juno, Venus, and Minerava. Now, Jupiter who was the lord of gods was unwilling to decide so delicate a matter and sent the three goddesses to Paris, prince of Troy. Until that moment, the shepherd-prince had been happy, tending his flocks. He was yooung and handsome and loved by the nymph he had married. But now he was made to judge which of the three goddesses was the fairest. Juno prom-ised him power and riches, Minerva glory and fame in war, Venus the fairest of woman for his wife; each attemmpting to influence the judge in her own favor. Paris, forgetting the fair nymph to whom he ought to have been faithful, sought after beauty and decided in favor of Venus. AS a result, Venus owned the golden apple, thus becoming the goddess of love and beauty.
Isaac Newton
On Christmas Day, in the year 1642, Isaac Newton was born at the small village of Woolsthorpe, in England.  Little did his mother think, when she beheld her new-born babe, that he was destined to explain many matters which had been a mystery ever since the creation of the world.
William Tell
He was a cruel man and the people were not free or very happy. One day Gessler set up a tall pole in the public square and put his hat on the top of it. Then he orderde that every man who came into the town must bow down before it. But there was one man that refused to bow. His name was William Tell. He stood with folded arms, and laughed at the hat on the pole. When Gessler heard of this, he was very angry. He made up his mind to punish William Tell. William Tell was famous hunter who lived in the mountains., No one in all the land could shoot with a bow and arrow as well as William, Gessler knew this, so he thought of a cruel plan. He ordered Willamís little son to stand in the public square with an apple on his anead. Then he told William to shoot the apple with see of his arrows. William Tell said no more. He fitted the arrow to his bow. He took aim and let the arrow By. His son stood firm and still. He was not afraid. He had faith in his fatherís skill Williamís arrow whistled through the air. It struck the apple in the center and split it in two. The people who watched shouted with joy. As William walked toward his son, an arrow dropped from his pocket to the ground. ìWilliam Tell!î cried Gessler, ìwhy do you have another arrow?î ìTyrant!î said Tell proudly, ìthis arrow was for you! If I had hurt my son, I would have shot this arrow into your heart.î
Letís soak this apple. May the sleep of death to be immersed. this is an evidence that show me whatís in the apple now. Now, be changed into red to temptate snow white to eat you. Snow white. Snow white. With a mouthful piece of this apple, her breath will be stopped and her blood will be freezed. Then, Iím becoming the most beautiful woman in the world
The Man Who Knew Too Much : Alan Turing and the Invention of the Computer
The story of Alan Turing, the persecuted genius who helped break the Enigma code and create the modern computer. To solve one of the great mathematical problems of his day, Alan Turing proposed an imaginary programmable calculating machine. But the idea of actually producing a ëthinking machineí did not crystallise until he and his brilliant Bletchley Park colleagues built devices to crack the Nazisí Enigma code, thus ensuring the Allied victory in the Second World War. In so doing, Turing became a champion of artificial intelligence, formulating the famous (and still unbeaten) Turing test that challenges our ideas of human consciousness. But Turingís work was cut short when, as an openly gay man in a time when homosexuality was illegal in Britain, he was apprehended by the authorities and sentenced to a ëtreatmentí that amounted to chemical castration. Ultimately, it lead to his suicide, and it wasnít until 2013, after many years of campaigning, that he received a posthumous royal pardon.
Apples changed the world Calendar