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Rainbow Train Album Cover

Album cover for a children’s music album by singer-songwriter Chana Rothman, celebrating gender diversity and gender liberation. A variety of musical styles are represented, from disco to latin to country, as well as simple vocals accompanied by acoustic guitar. The tone of the songs ranges from cheerful to poignant to fabulous. 
Original concept sketches presented after listening to the songs. The main concepts being conveyed are 
1. “Join our journey into new territory”
2. “You don’t have to be just a boy or a girl/ You can be a beautiful blended swirl” -a line from one of the songs
After review of the sketches, the client decided that
1. An actual train should not be represented, but movement and momentum should be implied
2. “A beautiful blended swirl” concept should be kept, supported by a multitude of joyful color
3. A hand-drawn quality should be maintained, as it reads as child-friendly
Rainbow Train Album Cover

Rainbow Train Album Cover

Album cover for a children’s music album by singer-songwriter Chana Rothman, celebrating gender diversity and gender liberation. This project dem Read More
