Eden Celeste's profile

Step-by-step oil painting process

Belsac the Mighty
Oil Painting by Eden Celeste
16x20" canvas
Reference photo on the left, digital color layout on the right. Color layout was created in Photoshop and printed to scale on a HP printer.
Layout has been printed using Adobe Acrobat, transfer paper is layered on the canvas and layout is taped over. 
Design is traced onto the canvas
Sepia toned acrylic layer is applied to determine shadows and highlights
Sepia layer is complete
"Dead Layer" is applied in Oils. The "Dead Layer" refers to using shades of primarily blue, gray and yellow to deepen shadows and add depth to highlights.
Dead Layer completed
Oil color-work is started. Colors are applied directly to the Dead Layer. 
Project completed..
Step-by-step oil painting process

Step-by-step oil painting process

Step-by-step overview of creating a custom oil portrait
