Paul M.'s profile

Ω Spider-Man

Concept Study
First I draw by a pose that I like, then fill in the details after, I don't think it's the best way, I simply started that way. At this point obvious influences like the Superior Spider-Man and Mecha designs, is very apparent. I continue by brainstorming and revising this sketch's design further.
Initial Concept
I aimed for a more streamlined "near-future" look for Spidey, influenced by his other "future" costumes like 2099 Spider-Man, mixed with high-tech design aesthetics like a mesh bodysuit. I decided to not have his iconic big eyes on his face since I wanted a more organic, or rather spider-like, face. The cracked lens/eyes draws inspiration from a spider's set of eyes. I also maintained the "webbed" design aspect for this costume.
Arms Concept | Spine Concept
After setting an initial concept, the arms' design was easier to follow thorugh, despite being of different material from his "webbing" it still retains the "webbed" aesthetic. It includes a monitor on his wrist, which keeps track of his web cartridges. 
For his back, I came up with some ideas how to level-up how he is at being Spider-Man, similar with Marvel Civil War's upgrade of him with 3 tactile arms that respond to his thoughts, I designed a streamlined "spine" that also shoots his signature web, in 8 separate directions. It also serves as the replacement for his back logo from his original costume. Aside from webbing, it also serves as a container for his "lens" when it isn't in use. (as seen above, side view.) I wrote some ideas on what to call him, and ultimately settled for Omega Spider-Man.  
Legs Concept | Study for Final Artwork
I decided to rework my first design on his legs to a more sleek variation as compared to the study concept. I intended to keep the idea of Peter being able to keep his costume under his civilian attire at any time, and thus needed the omission of the "mecha" leg design. I took some inspiration from Crysis (the video game) in regards to how it envelopes the musculature of the body, similar to the former's Nanosuit. 
The study for the final artwork was inspired by other Spider-Man artworks by my favourite artists, and I decided the best way to show him was by being in motion, and him swinging was always strikingly iconic to me. So after a few thumbnails I decided on the sketch on the right.
Final Design
Peter Parker of Earth-3023, The Ω(Omega) Spider-Man
I used Pentel pen for the black, Unipins for the inking and a regular HB pencil.
Thank you!

Digital Rough Sketch
I've taken most of the details I've made and tried to remember it while making a rough sketch in Photoshop. Here I wanted to establish the colors and certain effects I want to achieve.
Ω Spider-Man

Ω Spider-Man

This was done for a contest in a bookstore that I go to. The idea was to design a Spider-Man for the "Spider-Verse" comics event. I decided to go Read More



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