This series of images was originally a projection show spanning across five screens. The format was that of a pop-up book in which character images would fade in or move across the screen in time with music. 
I designed and programmed the whole show in Isadora. All character sketches were done by me. Elements of the background are taken from pre-made watercolor paintings found on the internet and composited or painted over to more clearly match the overall artistic style of the work.  
Descriptions of exactly what work was done for backgounds  on each slide are included.
Found a premade background for a starting point and repainted over the whole thing foy my own creative endeavors. 
Repainted the forests, foreground and some clouds. Outlines were added to the mountains to give texture.
Composited a mountain range and building. Drew mountain oulines.
Composited simple desert background with buildings. Outlins to all buildings were drawn in. Parts of sky and ground were repainted .
Repainted over entire background to make it more abstract. Drew all background characters.
Only minor adjustments made to background. 
Sane background as in beginning.
Life Projection Show

Life Projection Show

Originally a projection design project, this series of images serves as a simplified version of it.
