"Beware of yourself"
Inés Manzano Mañero. 2015.
Graphite on paper, colored with Photoshop CS6
"Fire demon"
Inés Manzano Mañero. 2015
Graphite on paper, colored with Photoshop CS6
"In my bubble I feel in safe"

Inés Manzano Mañero. 2013.
Graphite on paper, colored with Photoshop CS6
"Horse in a circle"
Inés Manzano Mañero. 2013.
Graphite on paper.
"Deer hunt"
Inés Manzano Mañero. 2014.
Graphite on paper.

Inés Manzano Mañero. 2014.
Graphite on paper.
With this drawing I want to represent the death that we all carry on our shoulders, death not as something scary, but as something natural, something that is part of life itself. The spectrum that the human-deer hybrid has been in the back is his own death; is himself (has attributes of deer horns and skull), is his own future.

People come to a point that when we are about to die (of old age) no longer have an aspect by which we can hardly recognize it or remember us and belittle us atrophied...

And somehow it's like you were a completely different being to what once you were: a young, active, strong, happy, beautiful or handsome to be walking happy for life, wanting to know places, people and doing new things, all a bed of roses for walking with enthusiasm...
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Con este dibujo quiero representar a la muerte que todos llevamos sobre nuestros hombros, la muerte no como algo aterrador, sino como algo natural, algo que forma parte de la propia vida. El espectro que el híbrido humano-ciervo lleva en el lomo es su propia muerte; es él mismo (tiene atributos de ciervo, cuernos y cráneo), es su propio futuro.

Las personas llegamos a un punto en que cuando estamos a punto de morir (de vejez) ya no tenemos un aspecto por el que a penas se nos pueda reconocer o recordar, nos empequeñecemos y nos atrofiamos... Y de alguna forma es como si fueras un ser completamente diferente a lo que un día fuiste: Un ser joven, activo, fuerte, alegre, bello o hermoso que caminaba alegre por la vida, con ganas de conocer sitios, gente y hacer cosas nuevas, todo un camino de rosas por recorrer con entusiasmo...

"Protection" (color version)

Inés Manzano Mañero. 2014.
Graphite on paper, colored with Photoshop CS6. 29 x 21 cm.
"Protection" (B&W version)

Inés Manzano Mañero. 2014.

Graphite on paper, colored with Photoshop CS6. 29 x 21 cm.
Full Format


Full Format

Series of drawings tucked into geometric figures. Occupying full format. Looking for a beautiful, harmonious and expressive with each of the crea Read More
