All these works were created for my Relief Printmaking class at Birmingham-Southern. For our semester long assignment we had the theme of “Place". My place of interest was where I spent the summer of 2013, living in Jackson, Wyoming. I wanted to focus on the lifestyle in which I lived and the experiences I had there. Many of these works are linoleum block prints, either single block or multi-block. A few of these print are Hips engravings.
Fishin'  9"x20"
Hips engraving
Table Mountain  9"x9.5"
8 layer reduction print
Grand Sleeping Teton 8"x 10"
Linoleum cut
Hippie Stomper  6"x9.5"
​Linoleum cut
GST 2  8"x10"
​Linoleum cut
Spring Gulch  10"x15"
Hips engraving
Relief Prints

Relief Prints

Spring 2014 Relief Prints
