There are sympton clusters of OCD sufferers — checkers, washers and cleaners, repeaters, orders, worriers etc.
The stickers are situated at touchpoints where OCD sufferers potentially engage in rituals of compulsions.
The posters are incorporated to confirm their initial doubts of possibly having ocd could be true and that without further seeking help it can quickly spiral out of control. 
As a temporary sanity check the booklet allows easy access to basic information and can provide a few starting points to relieving symptoms of OCD. This acts as a stepping stone towards the website that holds the majority of information and a gateway to specialised help.  
The website acts as a platform that provides the user with basic information on the disorder and connects them
with other ocd sufferers and specialised help. This creates hope and spreads awareness that OCD is not a shameful disease and that people will understand those who suffer are ordinairy individuals who have a medical condition.


The obsess campaign is directed towards youth —particularly the age group 10 - 24. This is the most common demographic where initial symptoms sta Read More
