September 2013- January 2014
This body of work was produced during the same period as the work called 'Untitled Crime Scenes'. It was a unit of work called The Styled Portrait, where we were to work in collaboration with the Fashion Stylist students. I chose to base my project on the Civil Rights Act Movement between 1964-1968 and gave the project the name of 'Equality', thus simply addressing the topic at hand within the work. The story behind the images presented, depicts the journey of the political figures Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King, and the other character represents the white population who were in support of the Civil Rights Movement. The portrait images are presented in black and white to portray the characters in a state of equality. Having the models hide their face with their protest sign,  distances the viewer from who they actually are and presents them with the fact of what they are trying to stand up for instead. The series displays a narrative where Rosa Parks slowly progresses in the movement, where as the Martin Luther King character does not manage to make it past the aggression shown in the third image, depicting the harsh realities of what happened during this period. This project allowed me to further develop my portraiture skills, plus adding in the elements of styling and being able to shoot on location. I am eager to develop these skills as there is much to improve, but I am glad to now have this style of photography as a skill I can carry forward for the future.


This project was an exploration in to the Civil Rights Movement, while using the element of Fashion styling to portray the time period I was tryi Read More


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