The request of the first exercise of Basic Design was realize a logotype based on a specific word.
My word is “Famine”.
Vincent Van Gogh, The Potato Eaters, 1885.

To represent “Famine” I worked on contrasts.
Even tought the word evokes images related to hunger and wretchedness, I used a font that recall the style of McDonald’s, know in all the world such as symbol of wealth and exceedance.
In fact the final message is think about the great abundance of materials often wasted in different parts of the world, while in others there is a total lack of resources.
For this aim and to be clearer I broke the M of mecdonald’s.
Also I tried to work on the colours’s contrasts and the palette used are only black and yellow wich is the colour most recognized of this multinational.
In the white background for the font’s colours I drew near black and yellow.
Instead in the black background, I used only yellow because most immediate than white.
Famine logotype

Famine logotype

Exercise of Basic Design, University of Ferrara


Creative Fields