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Reservoir Dogs Movie Poster

Create a movie poster for a film of our choice that differs from the original.
I watched the movie Reservoir Dogs and was drawn to it for this project. I wanted to play off of "dog" in the title and I also wanted to somehow include the character's nicknames within the composition visually, (such as Mr. Pink, Mr. Blue, etc.). I found pictures of dogs that I felt were similar in "personality" or look to the actual characters from the movie and then shaded them to the designated character's color. The movie itself, being a Tarantino movie after all, involved lots of blood. Naturally, I included a fair amount of blood within the composition. My design teacher had required me to overlap the fonts in some way due to his belief that it was not dynamic enough otherwise. However, the way it's overlapped was entirely my decision. I may be reworking this project in the near future to experiment with other layouts of font and other color styles and textures.
Reservoir Dogs Movie Poster

Reservoir Dogs Movie Poster

Reservoir Dogs movie poster (student work)
