A Morning Miracle (by the Lake)
by Dino Hadjinicola

A new morning, a new birth, a new miracle. As the unfailing sun rises through the gate of the east to greet the sleeping lake that awaits it, the onlookers of this amphitheater of creation sit in anticipation of the majestical spectacle about to be staged. As I sit on the tier of my balcony overlooking the Larnaca salt lake at the break of dawn, I ruminate. I contemplate. I breathe. A new day, a new gift, a new life.  Nothing can be more real than those laconic little words. A new moment in our existence on this breathtaking planet. Its beauty, its majesty, its magnificence.

We all sit at the meeting point of two eternities, the eternal future and the infinite past. What is the most important moment of your life? What will you really see tomorrow? What did you really see yesterday? Both are illusory states of the mind, mere images imprinted on your cerebral cortex from the collated data of your five sensorial apertures, translated and resurrected through language. They are not real. But this morning, this very moment is living and breathing, it is before you and within you. This is the most important moment of your life, because it is the only moment that is real. The past is forever lost in the black hole of time and the future is merely an ethereal vision with no substance, no form, no actuality. Psalm 118:24 says “This is the day that the creator has made, I will be happy and rejoice in it.” All that is real for me is here on this balcony, on this morning, on this day. And so I immerse myself in it completely and luxuriate within it entirely because, in this moment, nothing else matters. In this moment I am blessed..

As the first sunrays meet the still surface of the lake, they sprinkle diamonds over the water as a sacred offering to the divinity of God's utterly stunning art-form of creation. The water reacts; it shimmers, it glistens, it sparkles as it adorns a new delicate form of grace. The light dances on the top of the water in an exquisite embrace, a conjugal celebration of its celestial source. The bird songs echo through the leaves of the trees as all the elements of nature interlock in a dialogue of homogeneous praise, and in unison, they revere the miraculous marriage of light and water coalescing.

Light and water. Our life source, our bloodline, the creative formula that makes our lonesome planet shine bright and unique in a desolate and barren universe. This planet is a glimpse into eternity, a glance into the future of Jehovah's staggering creative plans for humankind and for the 93 billion light-year wide observable universe, like a 5 second trailer for an epic cinematographic trilogy at an imax theater that we have a gold ticket for.

A mornings reflective meditative moment. The most important moment of my day, as it infuses and enthuses the rest of my day, elevating me so that I can ascend and transcend above and beyond the worlds materialistic, individualistic, physical distractions that are all ultimately nothing more than ephemeral minutiae... or what I call meaningless-little-things. The closer you are to God the smaller everything else appears.

A smile, a tear, a cup of tea. On this morning I have witnessed a miracle. On this morning I have seen God. Until tomorrow then..


A Morning Miracle

A Morning Miracle

A morning rumination


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