Icon set : Ramayana
A classroom project , where we were ask to design a set of symbol on any indian cultural theme.I chose Ramayana. Being more specific, Ramayan characters.
The Ramayana is a Sanskrit epic which tells us about the journey of Lord Ram. It's regarded as one of the two great works of Indian literature along with Mahabharata.
The icons below represent the main characters of the epic
Lord Ram
Rama is one of the protagonists of the tale. Portrayed as the seventh avatar of the god Vishnu, he is the eldest and favorite son of Dasharatha—the king of Ayodhya.
To show Rama's body colour, a suitable shade of blue is used.
  Hanuman is a vanara (monkey) belonging to the kingdom of Kishkindha. In some versions (other than Valmiki's), he is portrayed as the eleventh avatar of Shiva ,and an ideal bhakta of Rama.
Saffron shows Hanuman's courage and sacrifice.
 Ravana,a rakshasa, is the king of Lanka. After performing severe penance for ten thousand years he received a boon from the creator-god Brahma: he could henceforth not be killed by gods, demons,or spirits.
Red colour represents the evil and demonic capabilities of Ravan
Thank you..!
Icon set: Ramayana


Icon set: Ramayana

A classroom project where we were asked to design a set of icons based on the indian cultural theme.
