Aru H's profile

Hop Hop Away - Concept Art

I was approached by a friend of mine who started her own gaming company Hybrid Humans to help out with her first game.
I had zero experience in doing concept art for games and so this was very interesting and educating to do. I'll only share palette and style choices we went through in this project and will share more on another one.

After we settled on platform choices and layouts we wanted to pick a "style" for the game. We wanted a classic Disney-cartoon-esque style and went through a couple of iterations trying to get that style right.
These are some of the tests I did, but none were up to par or felt right to what we were aiming for. We decided to put the style issue on hold for a bit and instead focused on getting a good color palette.
This also proved to be quite a difficult task. I had to create 10-15 different color schemes before we finally found one (bottom left) that everyone on the team liked and was well received by testers.
After that we polished all platforms and pickup items that I'll be sharing later and went back to attack the style hurdle that we couldn't overcome before.
This time around I tried to do something similar to the new Mickey Mouse shorts and they turned out pretty good and decided to move forward with that direction. We had to go back and redo some of the platforms to fit this new direction but overall it was the closest to what we had in mind and the feedback we got was positive too.
This was the final step, to sketch out all background, middleground, and foreground assets. Each had to be a separate element so the game designers could place them wherever they thought was appropriate.
We wanted the levels set in the circus to be continuous, and so I worked on a gigantic canvas, a 8192x4096 instead of a 2048x248 which is the size of each level as it would be seen on iPads and other mobile devices.
This was the final outcome. It was a long trip, but we're happy with the results and hope players would enjoy them too when the game is released!
A playable demo will be available in MEFCC on the 9th-11th of the month.
Hop Hop Away - Concept Art

Hop Hop Away - Concept Art

The process we went through to create concept art for a mobile game.
