Lately, more and more pet owners have started taking a closer look at what goes into their pet’s food. With many leading name brands using unhealthy by-products and fillers – pet owners are actively seeking natural, high-quality food to ensure their pets stay healthy. They want to see ingredients that are recognizable & similar to what they themselves are eating. With differentiation and premiumization driving the growth in Canada’s pet food market, the time was right for a new brand of specialty dog food to hit the shelves.

To respond to this growing need, I created ‘Spark’ – a hypothetical new brand of premium dog food. A small Canadian-owned family company, Spark prides itself on crafting their food with a conscience. Not only does Spark use fair-trade, high-quality ingredients for their products - they also donate 10% of their proceeds to organizations that support animals’ well-being. Spark’s packaging is approachable, intriguing and informative. With a casual, illustrative style - it invites consumers to take a closer look and learn more.

Spark not only provides dogs with mouth-watering, tail-wagging food, it also puts their owner’s minds at ease knowing that their pet is getting premium nourishment. Crafted with a conscience, Spark also offers consumers an easy, feel good way to pay it forward to animal charities already near and dear to their hearts. Win-win.