Body Art Calendar
Robot Owl Painted on Hands
A unique calendar design for Malaysian's television channel 8TV,
featuring different animals painted on hands for each month. 
A fun and innovative collaboration between students and lecturers
of The One Academy of Communication Design and 8TV.
My chosen month was April, the month of knowledge. I used the owl as the month's spirit animal
because 'wise as an owl', as the saying goes. With the digitalization of knowledge in the 21st century,
I made the owl robotic and steampunk-ish for relevance and to create interest.
We also decided to use real gears and metal parts to create a more 3D look.
I explored multiple backgrounds but in the end opted for a cleaner BG to keep the focus on the hero.
Body Art Calendar

Body Art Calendar

A unique calendar design for Malaysian's television channel 8TV, featuring different animals painted on hands for each month. A fun and innovativ Read More
