Trav White's profile

RED BULL - Roadie | Concept & Brand

Whether you're attempting to pull off a flanno, entertaining a crowd at a moments notice or fighting of hordes off frothing groupies, the position comes with perks but also great, great responsibility.
10 competitors found this out the hard way, as they battled it out for the title of 'Red Bull Roadie' 2014, the winner of which would become official roadie for Sydney boys RUFUS on the highly anticipated Big Day Out tour.
With the RUFUS boys and manager Danny judging the event, the wannabe-roadie's had to escort three cardboard cut-outs of the boys through an obstacle course which would test the wits of any roadie.
After having to grapple with a snack-sized mini van, load equipment into a full-sized monster van, protecting the boys from screaming girls and doing a total sound check, competitors had the ultimate task of choosing an anthem to blast at the after party, proving themselves simultaneously to be professionals and party animals.
Taking out the final prize was Patrick Stevenson from Sydney, who won the boys over with his driving skills, groupie distractions and short shorts, all whilst taking affectionate and gentle care through the course - who says it's wrong to kiss a cardboard cut out?
RED BULL - Roadie | Concept & Brand

RED BULL - Roadie | Concept & Brand

I assited Red Bull on their roll out of their Red Bull Roadie comp. 10 people from around Australia went head to head to become RUFUS's roadie on Read More
