digital strategy for a social tv and transmedia project for the suburbs.
Thanks to a great team: GROARRR
Sara Bottaini, Valentina De Lisio, Paola Mirra, Elena Piccinini, Fathia Tayseir.
research on field
communication and promotion through the characters of the city from the rapper to the fashion victim
male version
female version
digital strategy through social platforms and a blog
example of an user journey
The story develops the relationships betweens the street culture and thepower of words thanks to rap music. The protagonist is Giorgio The Beat, a boy who wants that people recover the joy of being together in the streets of their suburbs. The other character is Doc T who is inspired by the ex-owner of Trinity skate Park, closed in 2011 due to complaints for high music and parties. Nowadays everybody stare to tv and digital technologies so the artisans and the little businessmen of the suburbs gather in a secret society The Young Side ... Our heroes will succed in designing a super-iper-giga-mega-extra magic radio to wake up everybody?
Sorry, we made only the first episode... we even know it.
mockup short film poster
communication from graphic to contest #myyoungside
flashmob The pursuit of young side and blog Young Side
light up ur young side
transmedia plan and promotion to the stakeholders of the suburbs through their partecipation to community (in the short secret society) The Young Side
fb page
promotion of the transmedial project to stakeholders
The Young Side

The Young Side

transmedia project and territory of suburbs
