Initial research on layout ideas. This one is of thumbnail sketches found online. It showcases the different layout positions available using a traditional box grid
Initial research on layout ideas. These images are of a photography magazine found online. This design used grid settings to make sure all the images and text are aligned. This is ideal for our project as it highlights the images as well as text
Initial research on layout ideas. These images are of a magazine found online. This design used colour to make the magazine more eye catching. They also used wide margins to create a lot of space
Grid layout for magazine:
This is my first computorised grid layout idea. It uses 4 collumns and two rows, with a gap of 15mm. This was chosen from the my initial layout drawings
Grid layout for magazine:
Adding font and images to the grid layout.
page 1
Grid layout for magazine:
Adding font and images to the grid layout.
page 2
Grid layout for magazine:
Adding font and images to the grid layout.
page 3
Grid layout for magazine:
Adding font and images to the grid layout.
page 4
Grid layout for magazine:
Adding font and images to the grid layout.
page 5
Grid layout for magazine:
Adding font and images to the grid layout.
page 6
Group meeting:
Groupd meeting after typography tute. This meeting involved making sure our magazine article were all consistant. We had to alter out heading layout and type choices and well as image position rules.
Group discussion:
As a group we came up with three words to describe our magazine. This was to help us understand what we were triyng to create.
The chosen fonts:
The chosen fonts were 'Verb' and 'Segoe' these fonts were geometric which alowed the text to me simple and ellegent.
Final layout:
These are photos of all the magazine articles that I created, as well as the front and back cover that we worked in a group to acheive. 
Oral presentation dot point script I wrote so that the group had guidelines of what to talk about. 
TYPOGRAPHY- magazine

TYPOGRAPHY- magazine

Typography assessment- magazine design
