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How To Eat While Driving | Graphic Design

Graphic Design
In this project we were asked to design a product that would teach someone how to do something. The execution had to derive from which learning style the individual designer most associated with. My strongest learning styles after taking Gardner's Multiple Intelligences test were bodily-kinesthetic and spatial, so this execution was more focused on the physical action of learning how to eat while driving. 

Each fast food "block" is labeled and sequentially guides you to which piece should be eaten next in the order. It's a more humorous approach to learning how to juggle eating each fast food item without getting into a car accident. 

I probably had the most fun writing the make-believe disclaimer on the back of the bag:

*Please note: The “HOW TO: Eat While Driving” Starter Kit is not responsible for any injuries and/or accidents caused by the misuse or lack of skill while practicing with this product. Those with bad habits of not braking at stoplights and/or stop signs should not use this kit. Young men with Radio Song Attention Deficit Disorder (RSADD) should also not use this product as it has been known to cause a higher death-toll in reported incidents. Recent studies show that young men and older women are not capable of multi-tasking while driving and are as such also not recommended to use this product. Please eat and drive responsibly. Coming Soon: “HOW TO: T3xt Wh!l3 Dr1v!ng.”
 Here's a little peek at what some of the pieces looked like before being assembled.
How To Eat While Driving | Graphic Design

How To Eat While Driving | Graphic Design

A design and craft project teaching someone how to "eat while driving" in a light-hearted manner. The product would essentially help the user pra Read More
