Fernando Muñoz's profile

Villaseñor Wines (Chile)

Villaseñor Wines

This was a fast job in Chile. The original idea was a page for a vineyard to show its wines. They wanted it in 3-5 days. It was madness but I couldn't say no, so I did my best.
This is the home page. As there are some restrictions related to a webpage offering alcoholic drinks to underaged people, there were a request about adding an age verificator. I did it but there were no development (nor time to develope) a way to make it work in the code. So it was a fake entrance and was completely left to the honesty of the user. So if you klick on "SI" it takes you to the site and "NO" takes you to Google. I remember to have used some cookies so it appeared once per session and no once per page (as wwas requested originally, and was awful for the UX).
The Home idea was to have the lines of the wines and the info from the site artistically related. So I created 3 windows to the right side, being as windows to the content but in pics. The left side had the written description.
An inner page: History. The Home page tiles, corresponding to the actual page, were used at the headers, but leaving the rest clean and clear. The photos maitained the "tiling" idea and the text was clean and precise. The logo ended the paragraphs, as a symbolic mark.
Wine page. This page described the wine as a detailed card. The idea was translate the information to the consumer in as many aspects as the client thought were necessary. There's a lot of technical data, but it agreed with  the target they were aiming for.
Villaseñor Wines (Chile)

Villaseñor Wines (Chile)

5 to 10 days of work. Very fast work.
