Mark Webber's profile

Naked Series (linocut monoprints)

This project part of a series of Linocut mono prints experimenting with simple human form drawn during life drawing sessions. I drew most of the images that were then used for the lino cuts in between 1 to 5 mins. I then wanted to combine the simple black shapes with colour and form to create a scene or add feeling to the simplistic black human forms.
After experimenting with this style of work, I got to do a collaboration with the poet Jacqueline Saphra, via The Emma Press for a book called If I Lay on my Back I Saw Nothing but Naked Women. Jacqueline came to my studio and read her poetry out to me, and made notes and we talked about the visuals from the poetry. With the memories of thoughts from her visit and notes, I set about making prints that I thought would work for the book. The results is this series of works.
This series was then also displayed in The Poetry cafe in London, with a night of poetry reading, and music (by Benjamin Tassie) also composed to go along with the poetry reading. more can be seen on my website: Mark Andrew Webber
Naked Series (linocut monoprints)

Naked Series (linocut monoprints)

collaborative work, with the poet Jacueline Saphra.
