In the fall of 2014, I spent four months in Europe. When I think of my time there, I think of color; bright, glowing color. From the painted buildings, to the vineyards, to the cathedrals; color was everywhere. I found myself drawn to the cathedrals. The high ceilings, the echoes, the paintings, and the stained glass windows. The colorful light that filled these vast old buildings, created a rainbow of light to walk through.
The porcelain bowls are filled with opalescent glass; used to make stained glass windows. The glass melts down into small pools during the firing process. These bowls are my interpretation of the light found in cathedrals. I have brought the bright colors into my hands, creating a tangible memory for me to share with others.
Memories of Color

Memories of Color

A collection of small porcelain bowls with melted glass on the inside.


Creative Fields