Inga Vanaga's profile

BrandOpus Student Design Award 2015

BrandOpus Student Design Award 2015
Competition brief set by BrandOpus - to create brand name, brand identity and packaging design for the new probiotic drinks brand from the proposition of 'managing your healthy lifestyle naturally'
The product is a dairy, sugar and cholosterol free probiotic drink that includes the health benefits of coconut water and coconut flesh, is not pasturised, and includes a key ingredient: kefir cultures. The product is made through a process that enables the kefir cultures to live in coconut milk, the coconut is then blended with fresh tropical fruit juices and sweetened with pure sugar cane juice, which is naturally refreshing and isotonic juice, contains minerals and has low glycemic level.
BrandOpus Student Design Award 2015

BrandOpus Student Design Award 2015

The competition brief was set by BrandOpus- to create new kefir drinks brand from the proposition of 'managing your healthy lifestyle naturally'
