Studio North knew that in order to grow their business and attract new customers they would need to rebrand and redesign their website. Their previous website, was outdated and in need of a complete overhaul. 
After several days of research and brainstorming, we came up with a basic design concept. I was then tasked with finalizing the design and researching the best way to implement the design on the web. 
Hexagons and honeycomb patterns would play an integral part of the design. The front page was the trickiest part of the design. It consisted of a honeycomb pattern where the individual hexagons would have a hover effect.
The finalized version of the site engages the user and gives them the information they would be most interested in on the first page, including services, testimonials, and clients of Studio North. 
Home page
Work gallery page
Client work page
Website Design

Website Design

A redesign I collaborated on of Studio North's website.
