Yasutaka Horie's profile

Guardian Buddha : 印相 (inzo) Mudra

Mudras are symbolic gestures , used symbolically in Buddha images and in practice to evoke particular ideas or buddhas in the mind during Buddhist meditation or ritual.
Mudras are used primarily to indicate the nature and function of the deity.
Knowledge of these hand gestures can help greatly in identifying Buddha images ( less so when trying to identify Bodhisattva / Bosatsu images ).
They are also used routinely by current-day Japanese monks in their spiritual exercises and worship.
印相は記号的なジェスチャーです。そして、坐禅または儀式の間に心で特定の考えまたはbuddhasを呼び起こすためにブッダ・イメージ で、そして実行において象徴的に使われます。
印相は、主に神の性質と機能を示すのに用いられます 。
Guardian Buddha : 印相 (inzo) Mudra

Guardian Buddha : 印相 (inzo) Mudra

EIGHT BUDDHIST PROTECTORS OF THE ZODIAC. Who is your Zodiac Guardian Deity? Buddhist guardian deity based on year of birth.
