Lady Caroline's profile

My Charmed Life Series

My Charmed Life Series
A fun Halloween themed project for my daughter and her best friend. They did a wonderful job acting. HA! You can view a behind the scenes post processing walk through of the various stages of production here... Lady Caroline Youtube Channel

Models: Ayana Ward & Linda Gail Rutland
Pulling an UpShaw...
My Charmed Life Series
I've had in my head to do a few conceptual portraits about my goofball life: i.e. funny stories, inside jokes, people I've known... This conceptual portrait came out of that endeavor. When I was young, there was a woman in my grand-mother's neighborhood who was always trying to spy on the neighbors. My cousins and I would be outside playing in the yard and we would see her peeking out her windows checking us out. Her name was Mrs. UpShaw. She has long passed on however, in my family, anytime one of us tries to listen, eavesdrop or spy on someone we say we are "Pulling an UpShaw"... So here I am... Pulling an UpShaw... Thank you Mrs. UpShaw, for your inspiration. We talk about you to this day, HAH!
by Lady Caroline
Model: Caroline Rutland
Reach for the Stars
My Charmed Life Series
This image was taken during the Super Moon events of 2014. It records our family excurstions into the country side to share our love of science, nature and art... I try to teach my children to reach for the stars... I tell them to stretch out and get comfortable in their creativity and then I encourage them to share their creativity with others. This image is about inspiring the creative connection we share with each other. 
by Lady Caroline
Model: Linda Gail Rutland
The Magic of Dance
My Charmed Life Series
Music and  Performance is a large part of our lives. This image was actually captured while my daugher was dancing in our home TV room. Growing up my childhood and how my children's childhood involves partificating in music and performance. This image captures the power of dance to a child. Dance has the power to transport you to a place of elation and uplifting energy. As one moves, dance works its magic and fills the dancer with strength, courage, self-esteem and beautiful open communication.
Lady Caroline
Model: Linda Gail Rutland
The Spirit of Halloween
My Charmed Life Series
This image records our love of Halloween. I have always enjoyed the theatrical performance that goes into this holiday. I created this image for my children specifally. The model is their grand-mother. My mother and I wrote a little poem that goes along with this image telling the story of "The Spirit".  I wanted to capture not the scary stuff of the holiday but the magic of it. This image will be cherished by my children and grand-children for generations knowing this was their amazing grand-mother. 
The Poem: The Spirit of Halloween
You can feel it when it happens. 
All is quiet and still. 
She starts spreading her magic 
Over valley and hill.
She's rising and whirling, 
She takes into her spin. 
The magic of jack-o-lanterns 
With menacing grins.
She swirls and she shimmers, 
She spreads laughter and frights. 
She unfurls her dark spirit 
Through Halloween night.
Author & Model: Linda Brown 
MUA: Jennifer Brown 
Photography and Composite: Lady Caroline
Fly Me to the Moon!
A fun image I created for my daughters in celebration of a fun Halloween!
My Charmed Life Series

My Charmed Life Series

This is a personal project of mine. This series is about my love for for all things theatrical and funny. Each image is a visual personal journal Read More
