Skape is the fabricated brand of a compressable kayaking paddle. The product itself (including the features and functionality), as well as the brand, are all original concepts created for the purposes of designing packaging to promote such an unusual object. Print advertisements were also designed to accompany the package. 
Package Front
Package Back (with Diagram)
The idea for the paddle came about after hearing about the challenges of seakayakers who spend days alternating between kayaking, hiking, and camping. The most common complaint was that equipment quickly became cumbersome on an otherwise enjoyable trip due to clunkiness and inconvinient sizes. Skape paddles reduce the size of unweildy equipment so that kayakers can get the most out of their trips.
Complete View of Box
Inside Box Lining
What’s special about Skape?

Along with the adjustable paddle length, adjustable feather, and uber light weight, the paddle is foldable, compactable, and portable so that kayakers don’t have to carry around awkward, clumsy paddles while trying to adventure through nature for an extended period of time. It’s for those kayakers who want the whole adventure – camping, sightseeing, and hiking – not just part of the package. For Skape buyers, adventure is a lifestyle.
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Skape Paddles

Skape Paddles

Packaging designed for an innovative kayaking paddle design.
