“Spaces of such temporary, transient activity as to not have the significance to be regarded as “places”; also called non-space
The term “non-place” was coined by French anthropologist Marc Augé, who wrote Non-Places: Introduction to an Anthropology of Supermodernity (1995). Examples of non-places include airports, supermarkets, hotel rooms, and highways.“
“Marc Augé coined the term non-lieux [non-places] to describe specific kinds of spaces, chiefly architectural and technological, designed to be passed through or consumed rather than appropriated, and retaining little or no trace of our engagement with them. These spaces, principally associated with transit and communication, are for Augé the defining characteristics of the contemporary period he calls ‘supermodernity,’ the product and agent of a contemporary crisis in social relations and consequently in the construction of individual identities through such relations.”
It is that feeling when you are inside a shopping mall, or a supermarket. It doesn't really matter where you are, you could be anywhere, and as soon as you are inside them you don't even notice if its night or morning. It could be also a movie set where everything was made to look real, or it could be easily a place completely overcrowded by tourists.
In this photo serie i have tried to input how do people interact with the place without actually establishing a real connection with it, but consuming the scenario in superficial and sometimes unreal interaction way, transforming the city into a uncharacteristic place . Like visiting a zoo, people go in huge groups, observe the strange things inside the cages, take pictures and leave. As if they were just observers in a completely strange planet. So I have focused more on people than at the place itself, for me that was an important item to show their behavior and how can that transform the place insignificant.
Some groups are guided by tourists guides, which use microphones to explain and show all the attractions. By the other hand the tourists, they wear headphones so they can listen to everything like in an sound guided museum tour. The cameras are the most important displays though. They would take pictures as if the pictures
were the only way to prove their existence in this specifically place and time, as if they would just feel like being there through those pictures. Also the food its a easy way to interact and consume the place or the culture, and maybe thats one of most common interaction you can notice, when we are talking about street food for example. So I've also tried to focus on that but trying to give an more kitchy and bizarre atmosphere. People could also look a bit lost in this kind of situation,, as if they don't fit that place, or if in this whole spectacle that characterize that specific atmosphere, something is actually missing. The true interaction between person and public space doesn't feel real. 


Photo series developed for the Project module Street Photography from Bauhaus Universität- Weimar.


Creative Fields