All marketing, creative direction, and design done by Evelyn DeHais. Photography by Ian Johnston at Dangerpants Photography.
The ZigZag Festival featured six female playwrights who each would write a play, then would each direct one anothers' plays, then provide dramaturgy for a third play. My challenge was to create dynamic looking marketing that featured each woman as well as explained what the show was.
I created two sets of postcards, the front of each featuring the women whose plays were in each night of the festival.
I don't normally include facebook banners, but I thought this banner was particularly lovely and incorporated the double Z design very nicely.
Our online marketing strategy was to promote each woman individually in a style that suited her play. Each image was therefore incredibly different.
ZigZag Festival

ZigZag Festival

Six playwrights–all female, all young, all local–collaborate on an evening of short works. Each is playwright of one play, director for another, Read More
