Jonathan J. L.'s profile

Indoctrinated Mind

Indoctrinated Mind : Follow the link below for the (not quite full size but close to) full size image.
The final edit of this project.
The project mixes both traditional and digital medias as the line and colours were illustrated on two grainy A4 sheets with pencils copics and multiliners.
I then scanned both parts, merged them and painted with a regular soft brush.
It took a while to finish this one due to al of the nessesary cleaning that had to be done, texture-wise.
I spent alot of time editing the texture and colours separately via frequency separation on photoshop.
The file below shows the original art piece, unedited.
Indoctrinated Mind

Indoctrinated Mind

Art project surrounding the idea of the mind affected by all sorts of media (both good and bad),
