Rafael Filomeno's profile

Google Says | Interactive


In 2013 I came across a study plublished on sciencemag.org discussing the effects of search engines on our memory and I decided to create something to illustrate those findings.

Through brainstorming, research and sketching a concept was developed and when I decided interactivity was the most suitable medium.  

Using Arduino, laser cutting and vacuum forming, a prototype was built.
Through video, photographs and note taking the test was documented, this allowed me to better understand how the users interacted with the piece.
There were 3 important findings that, in order to offer the users a better experience, I had to consider when building the final piece.
1_The Need for a Call to Action
As the prototype had nothing indicating it was a piece to be touched many people never experienced the game as they only looked at it.
2_The Need For Sound
Having sound accompanying the lights would help users to remember the sequence, it would also make the game more enjoyable and improve the feedback to the users.
3_Make it Big 
It became clear that users playing with other users had a much better experience than those playing on their own. Making it bigger would invite people to play the game together and share the experience.

Google Says | Interactive

Google Says | Interactive

Recollecting a favourite childhood game to comment upon the debilitating affect search engines have on our memory process.
